“The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become.”
~ Ladybird Johnson, former first lady
Our Mission
We strive for stewardship and preservation of indigenous plant life, wildlife, and pollinators through careful respect, renewal, and maintenance of their habitats.
Our Vision
Our primary vision is to work toward returning our 17-acre piece of the planet to its original native Praire-Post Oak Savannah habitat to benefit the wildlife of Texas. We are home to native plants that attract and welcome all pollinators and songbirds.
We enjoy sharing our prairie restoration and the important impact of native restorations of all sizes on the continued health of our planet. We hope we can offer inspiration and an educational platform. Our prairie in progress is where we disconnect from stressors and reconnect with each other and nature in a homestead setting, following the mantra of replenishment through simplicity.
In a (native Pecan) Nutshell
We commit our property to restoring and conserving Texas native plants and pollinators through stewardship and preservation.
We are creating a homestead that feeds our purpose and our souls.
We invite questions and look forward to offering camaraderie and support while you, perhaps, take the challenge to create your pollinator paradise at home, whether in the country or the middle of a city.