Nellie Gail Ranch is Our Happy Place
Family gardens, walking paths, wildlife, and family.
OUR BEES. Sometimes, a snag is a good thing. We love our solitary bees, and they love our old trees (snags). Dead trees are preserved as “bee hotels” where solitary bees find refuge. Unlike honey bees, solitary bees do not live communally, so they don’t sting to protect a hive. Feel free to see if you can spy on one of our pollinators, but please don’t poke their home or disturb their work.
OUR PRAIRIE is a mow-free zone. We value our natural grasses and flowers because they are food and refuge for birds, butterflies, and bees. It is a work in progress as we stave off invasive plants and revive the native prairie and seasonal creek.
OUR COOP is a luxury inn for our chickens. Our ladies work hard to lay the best eggs, and we work hard to make their work easy and comfortable. You may notice their play-yard surrounded by herbs and flowers such as lavender, rosemary, oregano, mint, sage, and marigolds. Each of these is chosen for the benefit of our chickens for properties such as strengthening their immune system, keeping them cool in the summer, and repelling mosquitos and rodents. Our chickens are family and enjoy the same natural practices we use for our whole family.
OUR FAMILY GARDEN is a growing work in progress where we enjoy seasonal herbs and vegetables for our family. We use organic principles and only the best locally sourced garden soils and homemade composts.
We encourage you to keep your camera ready
As you stroll the property, you will see many animals, insects, and plant life. We ask that you respect their space and not harm them, even if they are unusual or a bit intimidating. Every creature here has a purpose and a job; we rely on them to maintain the natural and diverse ecosystem.